Archive of articles classified as' "Research"

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Coffee with Sheinfeld


It was Las Polacas (2008, working title) meeting A Tale of a Ring (2007, Hebrew) at a Tel Aviv café on a warm spring day in April 2008. Creative writing and documentary filmmaking, Buenos Aires and Tel Aviv, Polacas, Shtetls, Jewish folklore and the Holocaust were among the many topics discussed with Israeli novelist Ilan Sheinfeld.
(to be continued…)

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Pre-Production Research


Pre-production research got into full swing in the spring of 2009 at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute and the Judaica Library at the Brandeis University:

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The Project


The documentary Laid to Rest highlights the largely untold story of the Jewish white trade in Buenos Aires between 1870’s-1930. Tracing the trail of documents, locations and people involved with the story, the film will present the ongoing unresolved conflicts and challenges that have been following the Jewish community in Buenos Aires to this day.

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